views of a teen rebel

this is just a simple online journal where i write down all my thoughts,poems and basically whatever i cant tell other people.enjoy reading.!

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

*+^an amazing emotion*+^

i am groping in the darkness, like a new born child,helpless and unprotected.
my hands flail wildly in the air,without any aim or precision.
i need something to guide me...something perfect...something Utopian.I dont know what yet,but i'll find out.

i am in a dark body is enclosed wihtin these 4 walls.but my spirit and mind ache to soar.soar high into the sky,where the eagles fly and where the clouds rest serenly.i need inspiration and spontaneity.i don't know what kind yet,but i'll find out.

i am in a green field filled with flowers.the blue sky awaits me.the world awaits see what i can do.and judge what i can' untapped potential and talent is inside me waiting to get a chance to show my true self to the world.i need a release.i don't know what kind yet,but i'll find out.

i am in a crowded train.many faces,many stories,many hopes and many dreams.why do i want to be the one who makes a difference?why can't i be just another person,without a face or an identity?ecause that's just NOT who i am.i need individuality.i don't know how yet,but i'll find out

i am living my life as it comes,as Anisha Sharma.a 16 year old girl.why do i get these high-flying thoughts now?won't i get hurt?won't i spend nights after nights sitting and crying?i need a guardian angel.i don't know who it will be yet,but i'll find out.

someone catches my hands.stops the flailing.makes it perfect.
someone whispers in my ears and gives me inspiration.makes me spontaneous.
someone comes to me in the field and is ready to listen to my thoughts and me a release.
someone in the train gets up and tells me what makes me so special,what makes me stand out.what gives me my own special individuality.
in my life.someone is there by my side,promising to be my guardian angel and protect me...wipe away my tears.

who is this mystery person?what drives him?
the person..i wish i knew..
his face will seem familiar...his walk...reassuring...his smile...something which brightens up my day...his the tinkling of chimes in the breeze...his that of a baby's hand.
what drives him??
a simple 4 lettered emotion.
which is craved for by the young and the old,the happy and the unhappy,the rich and the poor.
it unites millions.
it prevents war and creates peace.
it ends long conflicts.
but still,we tend to take it for granted.
how could we do that?knowing its magnitde..
i slaute this emotion and i thank God for havng created it.
because it makes all the difference in a person's otherwise colourless life.
hats off to you.!


At 5:12 AM, Blogger chopey said...

hmmm! seeking? nice .. i like u r writings.. but what u seek just might have always been right next to you..


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