views of a teen rebel

this is just a simple online journal where i write down all my thoughts,poems and basically whatever i cant tell other people.enjoy reading.!

Monday, February 07, 2005

*+^ LOVE POEM *+^

A Special World for you and me
A special bond one cannot see
It wraps us up in its cocoon
And holds us fiercely in its womb.
Its fingers spread like fine spun gold
Gently nestling us to the fold
Like silken thread it holds us fast
Bonds like this are meant to last.
And though at times a thread may break
A new one forms in its wake
To bind us closer and keep us strong
In a special world, where we belong.

*+^ True Friends *+^

A friend is someone we turn towhen our spirits need a lift.
A friend is someone we treasure,for our friendship is a gift.
A friend is someone who fills our liveswith beauty, joy, and grace.
And makes the whole world we live ina better and happier place.

*+^ The Strength I Call My Own *+^

I feel sometimes that I must re-invent myself or I will only be lost inside of an old shell. To molt and shed away a skin of the past is hard to do; Sometimes altogether pointless. However, I do it all the same, and must continue to do so.Small things mean a lot to me. Stupid things mean even more to me. Creating a new journal, a new screenname, choosing music to listen to, all affect me much more than they probably should. These are extensions of myself, intangible limbs that stem from my mind. I draw a strange, pure sense of satisfaction in achieving exactly the artistic image that I want to at any given moment. Listening to just the right song for the way I am feeling... instills a sense of euphoria that I can't replace with anything else int his world. As for the written word, I absolutely love being able to express myself in a form of my choosing, and writing is that medium. It's just one more vessel with which to excercise my thoughts.But expression and catharsis isn't for observing the world around me, it's for acting. For grasping a steel hand around that which haunts me. So, as I do these mundane, idiotic, meaningless things (as they may seem to some), I feel a strange sort of ascension, of defeating the ghosts that haunt me.I know somehow that, through these channels, I will gain power. I will become stronger. I never gave up to begin with, though. I never sat down and said, "take me, already, and be done with it!". I've always searched for an exit, for a pinhole through which to escape. However, Escape is only a step forward into another situation, into another atmosphere.The only thing that binds a man is the mirror he has to look into every morning. I choose to not only stare at that piece of glass with a determined gaze, but I will give the mirror a reason to exist. Hopefully, I won't shatter it like I've done so many times before

Saturday, February 05, 2005

*+^ Who r ur top 5????*+^

my cuz frm italy just asked me.....
who r ur top 5 m/f n hin/eng celebrities?
damn tuff question dude!!!!

here goes....

4.Akshay Khanna

4.Gracy Singh
5.Kareena('s tru!)

1.Jack Nicholson
2.Sean Connery
4.Hugh Grant
5.Colin Firth

1.Catherine Z.J.
2.Julia Roberts
3.Julianne Moore
4.Helen Hunt
5.Charlize Theron

phew!!!!!!that was hard!!!
do post urs too...
signin off...

*+^ heroes *+^

Sometimes we hear about someone who does something outrageous.
They fight for a worthy cause, challenge the status quo and make a difference.
People like Gandhi who used non-violence to free a nation, or Mother Teresa who picks babies out of the garbage and loves lepers with words and deeds in the name of Jesus.
We call them heroes.
We get inspired.
We get passionate.
We almost stand in awe of these people.
Hope starts to flood in with ideas and possibilities of making the world a better place.
Yes we can make a change.
We can make a better tomorrow for our children.
It can happen.
It is possible.
We are charged with a new optimism and a living hope.
We are charged up and ready to go.
We are like a stick of dynamite!
As we begin to make a game plan and put passion into action, we get tested a bit.
Are we really willing to pay the price for it?
Will we stop at nothing to see a change for the better?
Can we truly fight the good fight?
Will we finish the race and complete what we started?
We get tested when our passion makes us hyper-sensitive.
These tests can take on different forms.
It can be a person who doesn’t agree that it can happen.
It can be resources that won’t come through.
Sometimes we get so passionately sensitive that we become offended by the tests.
We respond by cutting off the dream or find a new fellowship.
Sometimes we even give up and discouragement sets in and trauma and doubt.
Could it all be for nothing we ask?
Was I wrong?
Can we really make this place a better world for tomorrow?
Were the heroes really right?
But the tests are meant to strengthen our resolve.
They test the work to see if it will last or if it is true and pure and right.
Will we still stick it out?
How do we stay in the race?
What can we do to avoid discouragement and trauma?
Expect it!
Expect tests to come on the path.
Find a way to respond in a productive fashion.
A way that doesn’t compromise the vision but brings in more force and multiplies the momentum.
We need to respond in a way that makes others catch the vision and maybe even dare to come on board.
We need to be over comers and conquerors doing it with the right motives and means.
Not conquering each other but conqueror the unseen forces that work against us.
We also need to guide passion with wisdom and love.
We need to have passion guided by a love that is not easily provoked.
A love that bears all things and believes all things and hopes all things and endures all this.
A love that lays downs his/her life for a friend.
We need a model to follow as well.
God is perfect.
He had the love and vision and he even laid down his life for it.
When we study him, understand him, follow him and even worship him, we become like him.
We heed his words which can increase faith.
After we go through the tests that show if our work is true and pure and right, we realize that our vision was actually His.
When we continue to obey him his resources become our resources!
His Father our Father.
His Spirit our Spirit.
His passion our passion.
Those heroes who inspire us, who fight good fights with pure causes with righteous means point us back to God.
And we live out what we were meant to live!

Friday, February 04, 2005

*+^ a poem*+^

crying cos you 2 arent who i thought you were,
cos im not who i thought i was to you,
cos im not one of you
and cos it's like my world crashing all over again.
for the 5th and last time?
maybe you dont know cos you think i dont care.
ive got news: i do.
to say all the "i'm sorry"s and "love ya"s f
ace to face with one of you.
perhaps another 3 wks or less to say the same to the other of you.
it's never gonna be enough.
God gives, God takes, but God, do You have to make it hurt so?
i trust You'll bring more people to me, but this is gonna hurt more than anything else has before
love u all
im so alone theres no one here beside me-

Don't cry out loud
Just keep it inside
Learn how to hide your feelings
Fly high and proud
And if you should fall
Remember you almost had it all